Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What ethical responsibilities to humans have to others according to aristotle, socrates, plato, and confucius?

I am trying to get started on my paper but im not getting very far. Any type of information is greatly appreciated!|||Aristotle would tell you that we only have ethics when we consider and live in a society. only then would we be obliged to be ethical. ethics would be a choice. according to him our ethics would be to our political system of whom are absolutely responsibly for and to us.

his philosophy on ethics was that:

moral ethics: was something one had to experience and it could not be learned alone.

Intellectual ethics: was learned but not experienced.


Socrates learned in the ways of the epicureans so you can place his beliefs under Aristotle. the epicureans were not judgmental about anything, they merely followed the rules without any judgment of them. they lived and followed the society they lived in. they were a bit skeptic about all things and did not conform their minds. they conformed their actions but not their minds.

they believed that actions were not evil or good and that it is our actions of them that made them good/evil.

this is where Socrates got his "i don't know anything" statement from.

conform to society, but never conform your mind unless you were absolutely certain it was correct.


Plato would tell you that we were absolutely responsible to teach in order to attain absolute truth. he believed that truth was the core of our existence and finding it was of top priority. His philosophy was that we are obligated to finding truth.


confusions believed in an absolute moral code. his entire philosophy was fixated around being a morally inclined person. this is where he an lao-tzu differed. his fixation with morals was what made them enemies. he believed in being "good" and respecting others. lao-tzu believed in balance(yin -yang) and the way of Taoism.

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