Sunday, November 13, 2011


I need to interperate these two lines fron confucius (except i have no idea what they mean)

"There are seedlings that do not bear flowers. There are flowers that do not bear fruits."

"The people may be made to follow, but may not be made to know"|||THe first one, confucius is saying that a individual is always different. One individual of one type may not always grow up to what "his type" usually becomes (THAT WAS NO RACIST!!). That everyone is own unique and has their own goals to fulfill

The second one. He is saying that people ignorantly are following a thing but do not know what it means.|||Are you certain these are Confucius's quotes? I've looked at three sites and find no matches. But here are the sites:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Good luck there are some quote that are within the framework of your quotes.

1.) Not all things are understood at the beginning. What appears 'clear' is not always so.

2.) You can lead a person to knowledge but they cannot be forced to learn. Knowledge is for those who may endeavor to understand.

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